On Demand Human Led Weight Loss Coaching – How Technology is Radically Improving Access and Driving Down Cost (Sponsored Webinar) Non-CME

Fitmate Coach was founded with a mission to shake up the field of human weight loss coaching by leveraging newly emerging technology to make it more affordable, more scalable and truly on demand.
We believe that humans will always be central to the effective delivery of coaching and this is backed up by a recent study published by Stanford Business. https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/working-papers/does-access-human-coaches-lead-more-weight-loss-ai-coaches-alone

Attend our Webinar to hear how we combine technology and humans to allow us to provide people with unlimited access to coaching, on demand, throughout their treatment, for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee.

Attendance will be especially relevant for those prescribing GLP-1 derivatives to their patients, as recent research has shown that weight lost is quickly regained post-treatment, unless the patient behaviours that led them to seek treatment in the first place are addressed, as discussed in a recent paper from the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine by Dr. Lee M. Kaplan

This webinar is sponsored by Fitmate Coach.  There is no CME associated with this webinar.

Course summary
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Alon Laniado – CEO & Founder Fitmate Coach



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