Nutritional Counseling and Considerations with Anti-Obesity Medications (FREE Sponsored Webinar) Non-CME

Join Dr. Jaime Almandoz and Dr. Colleen Tewksbury for a deep dive into counseling patients regarding nutrition surrounding the use of anti-obesity medications (AOMs). AOMs can affect energy intake, and a balanced diet should be promoted in conjunction with an AOM to optimize weight and health outcomes.1 The faculty will discuss creating an individualized approach to diet and nutrition for each patient in order to optimize weight management, from pre-AOM use through AOM initiation and titration and extending into the weight management period.

1. Almandoz JP, Wadden TA, Tewksbury C, Apovian CM, Fitch A, Ard JD, Li Z, Richards J, Butsch WS, Jouravskaya I, Canderman KS, Neff LM. Nutritional considerations with antiobesity medications. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2024 Sep;32(9):1613-1631.

This webinar is sponsored by Lilly. There is no CME associated with this webinar.

Intended for US healthcare professionals only. VV-OTHR-US-DEL-3892 © 2024 Lilly USA, LLC. All rights reserved.

Course summary
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Jaime Almandoz, MD, MBA, FTOS

Colleen Tewksbury, PhD, MPH, RD, CSOWM, LDN


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