Poor responders to common medical weight loss treatments is a challenging situation for clinicians.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Is the intersection of Childhood Obesity and pediatric sleep problems merely confined to a discussion of poor sleep habits leading to weight gain?
Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death. Obesity-related increases metabolic and cardiovascular risk occur at a lower body mass index in Asian adults.
Nonviolent communication (NVC) developed by Dr.
This webinar will review current trends in the management of pediatric obesity.
In this webinar Lori Wenz, NP-C, BC-ADM will discuss the role of bariatric surgery in the treatment of diabetes.
Sarcopenic obesity presents numerous risks to health and quality of life.
Clinicians are likely familiar with total energy expenditure being comprised of resting energy expenditure, diet induced thermogenesis, and physical activity.
Stress and psychological resilience have lost balance due to many daily internal and external factors.