The AAP has comprehensively updated their recommendations regarding the disease of obesity in childhood. The incidence of obesity in childhood has not improved.
In the contemporary landscape of healthcare, addressing the multifaceted challenges of obesity demands a holistic approach that transcends traditional medical paradigms.
Stress, anxiety, and depression have an outsized role on the appetite regulatory process in the body via complex hormonal pathways.
Obesity medicine clinicians routinely care for patients with diabetes and treatment often results in significant changes in blood glucose and is associated with a high risk for hypoglycemia.
The purpose of this session is to help the obesity care specialist advocate for the integration of obesity medicine into a metabolic and bariatric surgery practice by detailing the potential benefi
CME/CE Expiration Date: 4/26/27*The expiration date listed above is the last day CME/CE credit can be claimed for this specific presentation.
Obesity has emerged as a global epidemic with significant repercussions for public health due to its strong relationship with diseases such as from insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension
This lecture explores the relationship between endocrine disruptors and their potential role in obesity.
The patient with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, faces specific challenges in the management of obesity.
This session will include a discussion of how to diagnose and manage lipedema patients who also have obesity in conjunction with a plastic surgeon for the treatment of the disease to optimize outco