The AAP has comprehensively updated their recommendations regarding the disease of obesity in childhood. The incidence of obesity in childhood has not improved.
Obesity pharmacotherapy often is solely equated as therapeutic use of anti-obesity medications (AOMs). In this session, two important factors in obesity pharmacotherapy will be discussed.
CME/CE Expiration Date: 4/26/27*The expiration date listed above is the last day CME/CE credit can be claimed for this specific presentation.
CME/CE Expiration Date: 4/26/27*The expiration date listed above is the last day CME/CE credit can be claimed for this specific presentation.
CME/CE Expiration Date: 4/26/27*The expiration date listed above is the last day CME/CE credit can be claimed for this specific presentation.
Is the intersection of Childhood Obesity and pediatric sleep problems merely confined to a discussion of poor sleep habits leading to weight gain?
This webinar will review current trends in the management of pediatric obesity.
This session will review the current state of pharmacology in the treatment of children and adolescents with obesity. Recorded during Overcoming Obesity 2022.
The initial contact with a child with obesity and their family is a critical part of patient care.
Recorded during Obesity Medicine 2022. CME/CE Expiration Date: 3/19/25